Customer Story

Creating a Seamless Learning Experience for Front Line Healthcare Workers

NHS has been heavily focused on helping recently qualified doctors become fast tracked in their training in order to more quickly join the fight against COVID19 at UK hospitals.


The NHS is the publicly funded healthcare system of the United Kingdom, which provides free healthcare to the citizens of the UK.

The Challenge

  1. Due to COVID19, they needed to supplement the face to face training of doctors and specialists with easy-to-use online learning
  2. Increasing the speed and efficiency of employee learning
  3. Inability to measure the impact of training on doctor performance
  4. Inability to cross-train different healthcare professionals with engaging and impactful learning
The value Bridge has added in the short term in terms of learning and development satisfaction has been huge. It also makes people feel valued, it makes people feel as though you do care about their development and education, and that you’re trying to give them a sustainable, easy way to learn at their own pace
-Chris Christou, Anaesthetic Intensive Care Doctor and L&D Administrator

The Solution

Chris and his team have used the Bridge LMS to create COVID19 related training for doctors, specialists, and other healthcare workers fighting the pandemic on the front lines. With limited time and resources, Chris worked with the Bridge implementation team to quickly create, administer, and implement training programmes through Bridge.

Given that we don’t have an IT department, that’s a testament to the ease with which you can set up Bridge
-Chris Christou, Anaesthetic Intensive Care Doctor and L&D Administrator

The Results

Upskilling Doctors Quickly & Efficiently

“The NHS has had a large amount of recently qualified doctors who were fast tracked to hospitals as working doctors in order to assist in the care and treatment of COVID19 patients. With Bridge, we’ve been able to help those doctors get up to speed and learn at a faster pace”

Easy to Use for Administrators

“I love how easy Bridge is to use. Nothing is more than 2 or 3 clicks away, which makes it incredibly easy if you want to edit something- 2 or 3 clicks and you’re there. It’s very customisable and visually appealing as well. My favourite feature is the masquerading tool for administrators. If someone has a problem, I can put on their shoes for 2 minutes and see what they’re seeing. That’s been invaluable”

Better Learning, Better Performance, Better Patient Care

“Bridge has allowed us to make medical education a metric by which we improve the performance of each doctor. We’re starting to measure the improvement of how doctors perform on the ground after passing training, which translates to better care for patients, which is the ultimate goal. If we’re more effective at training doctors, that means we’re taking better care of people”.

Creation of Standardised Learning Programme

“After seeing the analytics, 60 doctors from 26 hospitals are now all doing the same course within Bridge. Six months ago those same 60 doctors were learning completely different things. We now control the quality and the information to a really high standard, whereas 6 months back, we had no control over that”.

Though COVID19 has put a lot of stress and strain on the NHS as a whole, Chris is incredibly proud of what their team has been able to accomplish in the face of such a trying ordeal.

Amidst such difficult circumstances, our staff has helped people and loved ones get back to work and more importantly, get back to their families. We work as a team, it’s never one person’s achievement. The NHS is all about everyone’s skills culminating in people getting better
-Chris Christou, Anaesthetic Intensive Care Doctor and L&D Administrator






London, UK

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