
The weekly source of inspiration and information for busy HR, L&D, and People Development professionals

Mix & Match: Your Team’s Learning Styles & How to Rock Them
In the third post of our “How to Develop Employees in the Changing Face of Work” series, we...
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Make it Work: The 4 Working Styles On Your Team and How to Manage Them All
The previous post in our “How to Develop Employees in the Changing Face of Work” series covered the key...
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7 Tips for Eliminating Micromanagement
Are bad managers to blame for low engagement and high turnover, or are they scapegoats for the job-hopping...
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Generation WTH: How to Develop Employees Who May Be Almost 60 Years Apart
In the first post in our “How to Develop Employees in the Changing Face of Work,” series, we outlined...
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Employee Development: An Essential Part of Being a Best Place to Work
After 18 months of research and hundreds of in-depth interviews, we’re sharing new insights about...
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Why One Size Doesn't Fit All in Developing the Modern Workforce
If you’re responsible for the hiring, management, or performance management of employees today, no one...
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What Really Engages and Motivates Your Employees?
When you stand back and look at the big employee development picture, few things matter more than understanding...
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Generations, Assemble: Managing the Multigenerational Workforce
Gen X. Millennials. Gen Z. Baby boomers. The Revengers. Now more than ever, different generational groups...
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The Now Generation: Make Way for Millennial Managers
As you’re probably aware, millennials have taken the workplace by storm, and not just because of their...
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Own Your Future: Why Employees Should Take Ownership of Their Learning
Continuous learning is a necessity, not an option—but not all businesses or employees take this seriously....
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5 Questions with Jarron Cozad, a Leader in Learning Management Systems
Jarron Cozad is the vice president of Talent Development at Mountain America Credit Union. Having spent...
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The Key to Improving Employee Engagement & Retention in the UK
Employees want to learn. Research regularly shows that the opportunities for learning, growth and development...
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