
The weekly source of inspiration and information for busy HR, L&D, and People Development professionals

Learning + Performance: Better Together
Empowering organisations to create a culture of connection, alignment and growth. Because, above all...
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Communication and Collaboration in a Virtual World
We are excited to announce that Group Agendas have been added to Performance Management with Bridge....
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Communication and Collaboration in a Virtual World
Bridge launches Group Agendas feature When COVID-19 hit the US in the spring of 2020, to say our world...
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Rise of the Modern Talent Journey: Mapping the New Employee Experience
For quite a while, companies relied heavily on job boards or career maps to help employees discover opportunities...
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Learning + Performance: Better Together
Empowering organizations to create a culture of connection, alignment, and growth, because, above all...
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Bridge Honoured As Stevie® Winner in 2020 Stevie Awards For Great Employers
Bridge, the award-winning learning and performance management platform, has been named the winner of...
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Bridge Honored As Stevie® Winner in 2020 Stevie Awards For Great Employers
Bridge, the award-winning learning and performance management platform, has been named the winner of...
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A Message for Managers: “Hey Boss, What Do You Want from Me?”
“Hey, Ry! How’s it going?” I heard from behind me as I made my way down the aisle,...
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Conversations that Count: Leading Your Team Back to the Office
One warm afternoon, I walked my dog around my neighborhood and saw a long line of people waiting outside...
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A Message for Managers: Tips to Prepare Your Team for Return to the Office
A few days ago, I received an email titled “Phasing Plan for Returning to the Office.” My...
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Put your Work Pants Back on, One Leg at a Time (returning to the office after COVID-19)
When an email titled “Phasing Plan for Returning to the Office,” hit my inbox, my head perked up- a light...
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Don’t Put Your Oxygen Mask on First at Work
“Put your own oxygen mask on before helping others.” This airline safety tip has become a rallying...
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