
The weekly source of inspiration and information for busy HR, L&D, and People Development professionals

Improve Workplace Learning with Proper Data Uses
Data analytics, effective data management, and data use in business is critical. The better we understand...
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5 Predictions for HR & HR Technology in 2021
2020 has been the year of digital transformation for businesses globally, allowing mass remote working....
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Effectively Managing a Remote Workforce: A Tale
Once upon a time there was Company X. A thriving business, making its way in the world in one of the...
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Data Uses in the Workplace: 3 Mistakes We Make with Data
It’s the role of leadership to keep morale and productivity up. But how do you do that with a disparate...
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5 Predictions for HR & HR Technology in 2021
2020 has been the year of digital transformation for businesses globally, allowing mass remote working....
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6 Secrets to Successfully Leading a Remote Team
It’s the role of leadership to keep morale and productivity up. But how do you do that with a disparate...
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Why Does Performance Management Differ in HE Compared to Other Sectors?
Performance management in education has been a scorching political issue over the years. So how can it...
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Giving Employees What They Need to Perform
Why meeting the needs of employees throughout the performance management process is just as important...
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Your most important learners are not always your students
University Leaders: Your Most Important Learners are Not Always Your Students - Learning and Performance Management Solution
Something bemusing happens in the Higher Education workplace arena. For a sector so focused on the development...
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7 Steps to Creating a Culture of Learning and Development for a Remote Workforce
You need your learning and development culture to be strong and robust to scale challenges and take advantage...
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What drives your employees to perform?
What Drives Your Employees to Perform?
When you put your employees first, they enjoy their role and will perform at higher levels. But how do...
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Bridge Learning and Performance
7 Common LMS Challenges and How to Overcome Them
You want your learning management system (LMS) to be loved. But after the initial implementation, it’s...
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